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Juan Pablo Urgiles


Quito, Ecuador

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Long term gigs: Developing a project, joining a team


Digital Storyteller who designs, creates and directs immersive, interactive and transmedia experiences. He has worked in television, documentaries, advertising and fiction feature films. For the last 7 years he has focused his efforts on generating XR and new media projects with Imán Transmedia, a production agency of which he is Co-Founder and Creative Director. There he has created from interactive films to XR content with social impact related to topics such as human mobility, natural conservation, culture of peace, mediation, education and heritage. His works have been exhibited at festivals around the world and have received national and international awards. He has participated in labs and markets like the Cannes XR Challenge 2020, The Booster in Stereopsia Europe 2021, and IDFA DocLab Forum 2022. He has given workshops and conferences on transmedia and XR within his country and abroad at events such as the UN Global Festival for Action, Games For Change, Mediamorfosis and the Narrar El Futuro New Media Festival.


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