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Smart Cities <> XR Tech

From October 17 to 24, Torre Barrina (City Council of L’Hospitalet) and Garage Stories co-organized the Festival L'H <> XR. Together we want to put innovation in the hands of everyone, bringing together people from different artistic disciplines and different degrees of knowledge to design innovative experiences with XR technologies (virtual, augmented and mixed reality) to foster the SDGs (sustainable development goals) that we have established to 2030.

During an intense week and through gamification and design thinking techniques, participants will be trained in multidisciplinary teams to explore the possibilities that the new XR technologies offer us (virtual, mixed and augmented reality) and challenged to generate and prototype innovative ideas. For the development of ideas and prototypes we will have mentors and production resources provided by our collaborators, however it is about generating powerful ideas and good prototypes that help us communicate them, the real development of the projects will be carried out later way.


The winning team LaiAPP will be incubated and presented at the City in December, and the 3 finalist projects will be presented at

in November.


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Captura de pantalla 2019-10-25 a las 16.


Volumetric sculptures of local women that 

empower female talent and their stories. Every 3 months

a new thematic route will de displayed around the city

for people to discover its main characters.

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Captura de pantalla 2019-10-25 a las 16.


Augmented characters that live at the school garden and need parents help to grow through feeding the app receipts and words.

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Captura de pantalla 2019-10-25 a las 16.


Discover an engage with local stores through a unified discounts system linked to augmented storefronts






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